Each year some people are surprised by the cost of tournaments. To try and help plan ahead we wanted to give a bit of an idea of the cost of tournaments to help budget in advance.
Typically there are somewhere in the range of 8-12 tournaments throughout the course of a year depending on how the calendar falls with holidays and wrestling in region or traveling to other regions on off weekends. Each tournament is typically $20 per wrestler to register for the tournament (but could range from $15 - $35, we will post the weekly flyer as soon as we see them to help you plan in advance), plus $5 per guest (parents / siblings / coaches / everyone not wrestling) at the door. Kids do not have to wrestle every weekend, but the more mat time they get in competiton the better it is for them. With that said, it is really up to you and your family if you choose to wrestle every tournament or no tournaments at all.
Food at tournaments is usually available, but it is typical concession type food which gets expensive as well. We try to offset this cost by having a "team food table" that everyone signs up to bring something potluck style to help feed kids. By everyone providing a little we get a lot and it makes it cheaper. Some locations may not allow team tables, but we will let you know in advance if we will have a food table sign up (posted on our Facebook page), or you can bring a sack lunch for your family if you don't want to buy food at concessions.
Below are useful links for tournament related pages.
Your home for Tournament bouts is Track Wrestling! Make sure you create an account and familiarize yourself with how to use Track Wrestling before the tournament season begins!
Also check out our TrackWrestling Tutorial PDF to help you find the bouts you're looking for.
Looking for tournament information? Make sure you check out the MYWAY website. https://www.mywaywrestling.com/
Haven't seen the tournament schedule yet? Check here: https://www.mywaywrestling.com/mywayschedule
Looking for a tournament flyer? Browse the region that the tournament will be held in here: https://www.mywaywrestling.com/page/show/1240839-central-region